Sunday, November 15, 2009

Without him none of this would be possible

That is all.


Negathle said...


Eldadres said...

Congrats Kord!

DC Stow said...

Oooh, sparkly. Grats!

DC Stow said...

I made a hunter to try it out. I'm level 8, and it's surprisingly fun. I think I'll name one of my pets after you.

Kordwar said...

dawww, on RH?

DC Stow said...

Nah, a dwarf on Venture Co. It was very frustrating up until I got a pet, but the kiting is fun. It's like playing a frost mage with no long casts.

Ammo disappears fast too.

I was just messing around on the server because a friend started playing there.

Anonymous said...


DC Stow said...

Papierkorb means waste basket in german. Thought you may like to know that.